
General Information

Dalian Medical University (DMU) was founded in 1947, originally known as Guandong Medical College. In 1949, it joined with Dalian University and the name was changed into the Medical College of Dalian University. In 1950, the organizational system of Dalian University was cancelled and since then Dalian Medial College had become an independent college. In 1969, the college moved to Zunyi, a city of Guizhou Province, to establish the Zunyi Medical College. And in 1978, the college moved back to its original location in Dalian, still with the name of Dalian Medical College. In 1994, the name was changed into Dalian Medical University. In 2007, it was relocated to the new campus in Lvshunkou District, Dalian. Nowadays, the university has fledged into a multi-disciplinary medical university with a focus on medicine, which also offers programs in other fields like science, engineering, management, art, law, and philosophy, and it is one of the universities included in the project of constructing first-class universities in Liaoning Province.

Located at No.9 West Section Lvshun South Road, Dalian, Liaoning Province, DMU occupies an area of 1,510,000 square meters, with the floorage amounting to 532,000 square meters. The total fixed assets achieve 8,392,000,000 yuan, and all the teaching and research equipment and facilities are worth about 4,079,000,000 yuan. There are 1,183,600 physical collections, 2,210,400 electronic collections, and 60 types of database resources. There are currently 53 secondary units, including 24 teaching and research institutions, 20 party and government management institutions, 2 mass organizations, 6 teaching auxiliary institutions, and 1 independent college. There are 14 affiliated hospitals, including 3 directly affiliated hospitals and 11 non directly affiliated hospitals.

There is 1 national key discipline, 4 provincial first-level key disciplines. There are 6 disciplines having been ranked top 1% of ESI global institutional discipline rankings. There are 4 postdoctoral research mobile stations. There are 4 first-level disciplines for doctoral degree authorization, and 1 category for doctoral professional degree authorization; There are 10 first-level disciplines for master's degree authorization and 7 categories for master's professional degree authorization. There are currently 27 undergraduate majors and 6 national level and 9 provincial level first-class undergraduate majors under the "Double Ten Thousand Plan".

Currently, there are more than 9,800 faculty and medical staff in the university, including more than 1,000 people with senior professional titles, more than 1,300 people with deputy senior professional titles, more than 310 doctoral supervisors, and more than 1,770 master's supervisors. There is 1 innovation team from the Ministry of Education and 16 provincial innovation teams. There are 89 national level talents and 271 provincial and ministerial level talents. There is 1 national level "Huang Danian style" teacher team, 6 provincial teaching teams, 2 "Huang Danian style" teacher teams, 1 excellent art education research team, and 4 curriculum-based ideological and political education teaching teams.

There are more than 16,300 full-time students, among whom there are over 6,500 graduate students, over 8,700 undergraduate students, and over 1,100 foreign students. DMU is one of the first pilot units of the national "Physician Education and Training Program of Excellence" project, and the second batch of transformation development pilot universities in Liaoning Province. There are currently 6 national level teaching platforms and 30 provincial level teaching platforms; 1 provincial level curriculum-based ideological and political education research demonstration center; There are 10 national level courses and 164 provincial level courses, winning 2 second prizes for National Teaching Achievement Award, 1 grand prize, 3 first prizes, and 3 second prizes for the first National Textbook Construction Award. Won the national grand champion (gold medal) in the final of the 10th China University Student Medical Technology and Skills Competition (five-year system); Also won 4 grand prizes and 2 first prizes in the national finals, with a leading number of awards nationwide. DMU is a national level innovation, entrepreneurship and employment service base for college students, a Liaoning Province innovation and entrepreneurship practice education base for college students, and a Liaoning Province technology transfer demonstration institution. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", DMU has received 225 national level innovation and entrepreneurship projects for college students and 477 provincial level projects. The hematopoietic stem cell voluntary donation work is at the forefront of the country, with a total of 21 students successfully completing donations, making it the university with the highest number of donors in Northeast China.

There is currently 1 national and local joint engineering laboratory, 1 national and local joint engineering research center, 1 national international joint research center, and 2 national international science and technology cooperation bases. There are 54 provincial and ministerial level science and technology platforms, including ministerial level laboratories, provincial key laboratories, provincial professional technology innovation centers, provincial clinical medicine research centers, provincial engineering laboratories, provincial engineering research centers, provincial major science and technology platforms, provincial key laboratories of universities, and provincial collaborative innovation centers for higher education institutions. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", DMU has been approved for more than 2,750 scientific research projects of various levels and types such as National Science and Technology Major Project, National Key Research and Development Program of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Fund of China; DMU independently cultivates three "outstanding youth" projects; Published 5,700 SCI papers and 65 ESI highly cited papers with Dalian Medical University as the first author; Received one second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, one first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award as a participating unit, and 47 provincial and ministerial level science and technology awards.

There are three affiliated hospitals directly under the university, with a total construction area of 800,000 square meters, 4,900,000 patients are diagnosed and treated annually, and 249,000 patients are hospitalized annually. There are 3 national and regional medical centers, 6 sub centers of the national clinical medical research center, 19 national key clinical specialties, and 88 provincial key clinical specialties. The oncology and cardiovascular disciplines have won the National Project of Enhancing Difficult and Complicated Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Capabilities, and the First Affiliated Hospital has been approved for the National Chinese and Western Medicine Collaborative "Flagship" Hospital Construction Pilot Project. The First Affiliated Hospital and Second Affiliated Hospital have both been selected "Top 100 Hospitals in China", awarded the national "Demonstration Hospital for Improving Medical Services", and emerged "Nightingale Award Winners", "Good Doctors in China", "Good People in China", "The First Batch of Education Families in China", "The Most Beautiful Doctor", "Outstanding Nursing Workers" and other typical examples.

DMU takes aiding Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai and foreign countries as an indispensable political task, and has dispatched more than 320 medical talents over the years. It effectively assumes the responsibilities of the leading unit of medical talents "group" aid to Tibet in Liaoning Province. The Naqu People's Hospital built by Liaoning Province has become the "3A-grade Hospital" with the highest altitude in the world, and the medical team assisted by DMU has won the honorary titles of "National Advanced Collective of Health System", "Health Defender" and "The Most Beautiful Doctor Team".

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 in 2020, the party committee of DMU has actively responded to the call of the CPC Central Committee and the provincial party committee. A total of more than 30,000 medical personnel have been fighting in the front line of the epidemic, and medical teams have been sent to Wuhan Thunder God Mountain Hospital and other provinces and cities to carry forward the great spirit of anti epidemic with practical actions. A total of 879 students and 28 collectives of DMU have gained national, provincial and municipal commendations.

DMU vigorously promotes the internationalization of education, and the education level of international students ranks among the top medical universities in China. It is one of the first demonstration bases for studying abroad in China and a demonstration university for studying abroad in Liaoning Province. DMU has been approved for independent enrollment of Chinese government scholarship students and the Ministry of Education's "Silk Road", "Graduate Students in Higher Education", and "China-Africa Friendship" scholarship programs, and passed the national quality certification for studying abroad in China in 2018. Students are from 119 countries covering five continents; DMU actively carries out international exchanges and cooperation, cooperates with Benedictine University in the United States to hold the "Sino-US Master of Public Health Sino Foreign Cooperation Program (MPH)", and also conducts exchanges and cooperation with high-level universities in multiple countries.

Inheriting the history and creating the future. Adhering to the school motto of "inquisitive, practical, benevolent and compassionate" and the school spirit of " unitedrigorousrealistic and innovative", all teachers and students of DMU will pay more attention to connotative development with quality of the university as the core and strive to build an domestically advanced and internationally renowned medical university in the future.

(Updated in May 2024)